FOLKFORM´s Masonite at Material ConneXions library of innovative materials
The product will now be on display in Material ConneXions four locations; New York, Bangkok, Cologne and Milan
Folkform is launching the new furniture line Masonite:Memoriam containing Masonite cabinets designed exclusively for Svenskt Tenn. The cabinets are made from original recovered Masonite from 1929, in combination with the last Masonite boards produced in the factory in Rundvik in April 2011.
The product will now be on display in Material ConneXions four locations; New York, Bangkok, Cologne and Milan
The Swedish Design Award premiers for the second time around the best examples of Swedish design. Among over 200 contributions only 19 designs have been nominated by a renowned. A number of these nominees will then in June be premiered with the Swedish Design Award. {–––}
Swedish Society of Crafts and Design
Holmamiralens väg 2
SE-111 49 Stockholm